Check-in with Guest Profile Questions

In this feature, custom questions added to a guest profile will now show in check-in after the default questions. These custom questions can be edited on the dashboard by a manager.

Check-in with Guest Profile Postpaid Credits

In this feature, guests can now check-in with a postpaid credit limit on their tag if the guest profile has postpaid credits. If the guest profile doesn’t have a postpaid credit limit but the venue’s settings set a postpaid credit, the guest will still have a postpaid credit with the amount that is input in the venue setting’s credit limit.

Check-in Guest Profile with Free Credits

In this feature, guests profile with free credits will now have free credits in their tag when they check-in.

Check-in Guests with Bookings

Users who have integrated with a Property Management Software will be able to check-in using Bookings.

To check-in guest with bookings:

  • Click on "Check-In Guest"
  • Scroll through the Expected booking list or search for the booking number and booker or owner’s First Name, Last Name or Email.
  • Click on the booking and check-in the booker or booking owner.
  • Select the Guest Profile
  • Pair with a blank NFC wristband

Disclaimer: For bookings with multiple guests you would need to check in the consequent guests on Mews first before checking them in on the PouchVENUE app. This process will take approximately 5 minutes for the new data to reflect on PouchVENUE. This ensures the complete transfer of data to PouchNATION for correct customer billing posting.

The Bookings list will contain bookings with the current day as the arrival date. Click on the "Expected" to view all the expected bookings for the day. 

Under "Completed" on Bookings, it will list out all completed bookings and will have all the latest completed bookings of the day.

Search for the booking number and booker or owner’s First Name, Last Name or Email

User will be able to view booking details such as Booking Number, Room Status, Arrival Date, Expected No. of Guests, Departure Date and Booker/Owner’s Name, Email Address and Mobile Number. Check-out will be indicated once guests have checked-out.

The guest with the star ⭐ icon is the person who made the booking or the owner of the booking. The booking companions will also be listed out here.

Check-in Returning Guests

Staff can now check-in returning guests by searching their name in the checked-out list and pair them with a new guest profile.

  • Select Check-in.
  • Click on Returning guest.
  • Search guest's name on the checked-out list.
  • Pair with new guest profile.

Pairing New Tag

In this feature, we improved the Pair New Tag of Guest in Guest List. Pairing the new tag will pair the guest with the same profile and load the balances and vouchers of the guest from the previous tag. 

Note: It is important that all devices that the guest transacted with should be synced to the cloud and the device that will be used to pair the new tag must be updated or the new tag will have incomplete balances or will have 0 balance and voucher.