Register Report


Register Report List

Register report list is a shifting report that allows the venue manager to see the list of his/her staff in the venue with detailed information about the staff’s shift. To view a specific shift report, the venue manager may use the search and filter feature by searching a particular Shift ID, Staff Name, or Vendor.

  • Shift – autogenerated number by the system
  • Device – Device name and IMEI used for that shift.
  • Staff – Name of staff who opened the shift
  • Start – Local Date and Time of the start of the shift
  • End - Local Date and Time of the end of the shift
  • Vendor – Vendor Name
  • Transaction – Number of transactions the staff made

Register Report Detailed View

Register report shows detailed information of the shift wherein components are now properly grouped and labeled. Total products sales have a breakdown of 3 different credits used in buying products (Credits, Free Credits, Postpaid Credits).

Tax now has a breakdown of different taxes included in the product sold. Transactions also have amounts of free credits issued and removed and Guests also have a number of returned guests, total check-outs, and total cleared tags.

From the Register Reports tab, users can:

  1. View detailed shift information, whether the shift/register is close or not
  2. Generate and export End-of-Day (Z) Report
  3. Filter and create a consolidated report

Export Register Report

When a user exports a register report, the user will get a ZIP file of reports PER DEVICE as shown below:


Below is a sample exported end-of-day report (per device). Each tab shows the register report of each shift using the same device.